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在海里游泳(Swimming in the Sea)


在海里游泳(swimming in the sea)
  it was in hot summer that i took a trip to qingdao, a port city in shandong province, one afternoon, i decided to go to the seaside to get relief from the heat. for the first time in my life, i swam in the sea.
  at first, i was worried because though i was not a bad swimmer in the swimming pool, the sea was different. the waves coming one after another to the shore made a great noise and i thought they were going to swallow me up. i was terrified. cautiously and slowly, i went close to the water. how cold it was! i was just about to give it up when i suddenly caught sight of a small boy who was about a head shorter than me. weak as he seemed, he went straight into the sea without hesitation. i felt a little ashamed.“what a timid girl i am!”i said to myself. www•
  encouraged by his bravery , i continued advancing. soon all of my body was covered by water. before i got ready for a dive, a wave came over. it struck my face heavily and the water went into my eyes, nose and mouth. how bitter and salty it tasted! but i was not discouraged at all. i wiped off the water on my face, took a deep breath, and began swimming happily.
  the waves became larger and larger, as if the sea was angry with me. when i saw a wave in the distance, i would hold my breath, and just before it came to where i was, i jumped up and easily kept myself from it. how exciting! i was just like lying on the clouds!
  all that afternoon, i swam and jumped and had a very good time. when finally i had to leave, i took a last look at the sea. the waves were still beating the shore, but i was no longer frightened. “i must thank that little boy,”i said to myself.“it was he who gave me the courage.”
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    作文在海里游泳(Swimming in the Sea)
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    本文地址: http://www.lzdaxue.com/daxueyingyuzuowen/305970.html

